Nagoya Instutite of Technology, Shikumi College
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Computer Science
and Engineering
Personal Information
- Biographical sketch
Yoshiaki Katayama received his B.E., M.E. and D.E. in computer
science from Osaka University in Japan. He had been working at Information
Technology Center, Nara Institute of Science and Technology(NAIST)
from 1994 to 2002. And he has joined Nagoya Institute of Technology(NITECH)
in 2002.
Now, he is a professor of department of computer science
and engineering, graduate school of engineering, NITECH.
His research interests include distributed algorithms,
network applications and intelligent home appliance systems.
He is a member of ACM, IEEE(Computer Society), IEICE and IPSJ.
- Research interests and Publications
- Research area
- Distributed Algorithms(Self-stabilization etc.)
- Distributed Network Application(grid, analysis etc.)
- Ubiquitous Computing(Electric House-hold Appliance, sensors etc.)
- Publications(in Japanese)
- Activities(in part)
- 2004: A program committee member of
IEEE The 24th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS 2004)
- 1997-2003 : A board member of Japan UNIX Society(JUS)
- 2005-2006 : An officer of Information Processing Society of Japan,
- 2007-2011: An associate editor of IEICE, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
- 2007: A program committee member of The 9th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2007 (SSS2007)(2007.11.14-16, Paris, France)
- 2008: An organazing committee 19th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2008), (2008.09.13-15, Nagoya, Japan)
- 2009: A program comittee member of The 8th International Conference on Applications and Principles of Information Science (APIS2009), (2009.01.11-12 Okinawa, Japan)
- 2009: A publicity chair and a program comittee member of The 11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2008 (SSS2008)(2009.11.03-06, Lyon, France)
- Contact
- Affiliation
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Graduate school of Engineering (Shikumi College),
Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- Postal Address
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555, JAPAN
- [E-mail Address]
katayama_elcom.nitech.ac.jp ( _ -> @ )
- Computer Systems(disitributed algorithms for master course students)
- Discrete Mathematics(for bachelor course students)
- Data Structure and Algorithms(for bachelor course students)
- Exercise 2 for network program(PHP programming for bachelor course students)
- MONODUKURI design(WWW design for bachelor course students)
Takahashi&Katayama labo.(Japanese)
Grad. School of Eng., Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Eng.(Japanese)
Dep. of Comp. Sci.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nagoya Instutite of Technology(NITECH)